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Bachelor of Applied science programs

If you are interested in further education after earning your AAS-T in Addiction Studies, a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) is the most common next step. Fortunately, there are a growing number of BAS programs in Washington state that directly accept our degree. Our AAS-T graduates are typically able to transfer to the following programs:

  • Edmonds College: BAS in Child, Youth, and Family Studies
  • Clark College: BAS in Human Services
  • Highline College: BAS in Youth Development
  • Lake Washington Institute of Technology: BAS in Public Health
  • Lake Washington Institute of Technology: BAS in Behavioral Healthcare
  • Seattle Central College: BAS in Behavioral Sciences
  • Tacoma Community College: BAS in Community Health

In addition to the above list, new BAS programs are regularly developed across the state, and other BAS programs may admit our students on an individual basis. If you are interested in any of these degrees, we highly recommended that you contact the respective colleges to find out more information. Ideally, you should start this initial exploration process a year before you think you might start your bachelor's degree.

View Full List of BAS Program in Washington