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STEM Resources

Check it out:

Expanding Your Horizons – Powered by Techbridge Girls. Gateway to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for girls. 

Women in STEM, Office of Science and Technology Policy, The White House – 33 percent of women who work in science, technology, engineering, and math fields (STEM) earn, on average, 33 percent more than their counterparts in other fields.

Association for Women in Science – A leadership organization advocating the interests of women in science and technology.

GirlStart – A community-based informal STEM education nonprofit dedicated to empowering girls in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Washington State Opportunity Scholarship-  One of the best scholarships for Washington State High School graduates intending to earn specific STEM degrees can be used at 2- and 4-yr colleges.

AAUW Scholarship for Edmonds School District - AAUW Edmonds SnoKing Branch is accepting applications for a $2000 scholarship to be awarded to a female student graduating from an Edmonds high school in 2021. The scholarship is for a course of study in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering or math).

STEM at Edmonds College- Homepage for STEM pathways at Edmonds College

Women Engineers Rise (WE Rise) Conference- Offered annually through the University of Washington main campus, this is an excellent conference for women considering applying to the UW as an Engineering or Science student; all are welcome, and it usually fills up fast.

Scholarships for Women in STEM- A one-stop shop for over 20 scholarships for female students interested in pursuing post-seconondary studies in a STEM field.